Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Shraddha Project

There are days when I sit back and reflect on the opportunities that I have blown or the mistakes that I made when I was very young. It is very easy for one to get into some sort of depression at that moment. Luckily, I have been able to stay afloat by thinking about those sections of the society that haven't got what I have. I have a happy family, shelter, good health and a cool job to round it off. Such thoughts also urge me to do something for such people apart from donating some money for charity.

The Oracle Global Volunteer Days 2006 program helped me realize a small part of my urge. I had an opportunity to co lead a group of twenty colleagues in spending a day with kids who are basically termed slow learners.
These kids are either mentally or physically challenged and are very different from the main stream.

The event was planned by my team well in advance. We broke into teams and planned out all the activities. All the required items were procured one week in advance. Finally, the big day arrived and we reached the school by 8:30 AM. All the classrooms were decorated before the kids arrived at 9:45AM. The kids assembled enthusiastically and I apprised them of what they can expect during the day. They seemed very excited and the show kicked off.

First there was a painting competition where the kids show cased their talents. We were surprised by the range of their ideas. God isn't bad after all. He did endow them with special talents. Then there was a quiz competition between the Shraddha and Oracle teams which we lost badly. Let me admit that we really lost it. The kids were damn good. They certainly knew their history and current affairs.

We were all hungry by then and had a great lunch. The volunteers took care of serving the kids. The afternoon was left for music and dance competitions where we were enthralled again.

We signed off the day by giving away prizes for the winners. Not to disappoint others,
we distributed gifts to all of the kids. It was an eventful day and we returned to our homes with a deep sense of satisfaction. It was worth more than a 1000$ bonus!

1 comment:

Seshumadhav Chaturvedula said...

Hi... Gopi

My appreciations... Good work. Keep going and inspiring others